Game cameras come in all shapes and sizes, but if you are serious about your hobby, then you need to carefully reconsider each selection before purchasing a camera. One of the first decisions that you will have to make when it comes to trail cams is either to buy an infrared or flash camera. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it seems the infrared cameras have been gaining a few inches in the popularity debate.
The Benefits of Infrared Game Cameras
When you spend a lot of time in the bush, you will fast come to perceive two important things: game is commonly more active during the night and the animals are in fact spooked. When you incorporate these two important facts, you should come to the end that your camera needs to be both varied and able to take pictures after dark. While flash cameras are great for pictures taken after the sun has gone down, they are curious and prone to scaring off animals. Infrared game cameras do not flash, and this makes them perfect for those expeditions into wildlife photography.
The flash itself is not the only qoute that is presented by flash cameras; the surge that is linked with the flash will often drain the battery a lot quicker than infrared cameras, and the last thing you want when you wake up in the morning to see your pictures is to find that your camera has gone dead during the night. Infrared cameras wins this round hands down, since they are able to last for about a year without undergoing a battery change.
Another benefit of selecting an infrared camera over a flash camera is the speed of the trigger. Trail cams are only helpful if the trigger speed is high, otherwise all you are going to get from the pictures taken with your camera is the rear end of a few unidentifiable animals. The trigger speed on flash cameras is slower than that of infrared game cameras, and this fact alone makes it a favorite selection for game and hunting enthusiasts.
Flash Vs Infrared Cameras
Flash cameras might not be as varied as infrared cameras, but there are reasons why these cameras are still so popular, and one of the reasons has to do with the capability of the photos. Flash cameras have been known to furnish better capability photos, even though the flash itself might scare animals away. The flash is also very useful at night, since it produces full color photos, while the infrared camera might or might not furnish black and white photos during the night. When selecting your ideal camera, all of these factors will need to be carefully considered.
Effective photography can only be achieved with the use of the acceptable camera and weighing the pros and cons of both the flash and infrared cameras will give you a good idea about the results you will get from each one. Once you have spent some time working with both types of cameras, you will invariably begin to favor one over the other, but the benefits of the infrared game cameras put them one step ahead in the popularity poles.
efficient Photography With Infrared Game Cameras